Lessons from Building an Accessible WordPress Theme

You can Build an Accessible Theme Too

David A. Kennedy

Front End Developer/Accessibility Analyst | Rock Creek Strategic Marketing


I'm Dave.

I try to make the web a more accessible place.


I love accessibility.

Where We're Headed?

What is Web Accessibility?

Definitions vary.

The practice of making websites and applications
usable by people of all abilities.

What is Web Accessibility?

WordPress likes this one:

Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.
Cynthia Waddell

Why it's Important?

Almost one in five Americans have a disability, according to the United States Census Bureau. Many of those disabilities, such as vision problems or mobility issues, can impact how people use the web.


Why it's Important?

Accessibility can drive user-driven projects with better designs, easier to understand code, plus code that's more testable and secure. When you create accessible projects, they can impact other areas.


Accessible Zen

Screenshot of Accessible Zen home page

1. Keep Your Goal in Mind

My number one goal was to build a simple, accessible WordPress theme. That was hard.

1. Keep Your Goal in Mind

I followed a master. I looked to Leo Babauta of Zen Habits for inspiration.


1. Keep Your Goal in Mind

If you love your goal, stick with it.

2. Good Accessibility is Undetectable

I kept things modern, but still kept "accessible" as part of the name. Oh, and Accessible Zen isn't that much different from Underscores.


2. Good Accessibility is Undetectable

When I look at the final product, I can't see what makes it accessible on the surface.

2. Good Accessibility is Undetectable

love your starter theme of choice, and use it.

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Obsess over them. A few examples:

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Start with the basics.

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Color matters. High contrast helps everyone.

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Choose wisely:

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Skip nav links are awesome. I almost didn't put one in.

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Keep the underline on links and define focus styles. I went with a dotted border and a "depressed" effect on click to highlight links.

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

I decided to display my titles with my "Read more" links.

3. Small Details Make a Big Difference

Small stuff needs love too.

4. Recognize What You're Doing

You're making something!

4. Recognize What You're Doing

@DavidAKennedy @steveofmaine Thank you. SO far, I'm loving this one!!!

— Shane Jackson (@jack728) July 1, 2013

4. Recognize What You're Doing

Find someone who loves your work.

Wait a Minute!

You haven't talked a lot about WordPress? Or accessibility...

Mostly True

But there's more...

Where Do We Want to Be?

A set of stairs that combine stairs and a wheelchair ramp

Three Areas of Impact

1. Decisions

These are usually strategy-related usually. Sometimes, points of no return.

Example: Making a "separate, accessible" website.

2. People

What if they don't know?

Example: A developer makes a click-based interaction that closes a modal with a <a href="#">Fake Button</a> instead of a <button>Real Button</button>

3. Details

Hi, my name is minutia.

Example: Ensuring your colors are high contrast enough for a wide variety of people.

But Wait...

All of these can be one in the same. Yes.

What Do We Do About It?

Ask good questions.

Everyone has to Know One Thing

What makes something simple or complex? It's not the number of dials or controls or how many features it has: It is whether the person using the device has a good conceptual model of how it operates.
-Donald Norman

Everyone has to Know One Thing

How does it work?

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You're Awesome!

Love you, audience!